About the Lullaby Project

The Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra is a national partner in the Lullaby Project, a program of Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute (WMI) that pairs pregnant women and new mothers and fathers with professional artists to write personal lullabies for their babies. The participants are offered a creative opportunity to communicate feelings, hopes, and dreams as they look to the future with their child. The Lullaby Project supports maternal health, aids childhood development, and strengthens the bond between parent and child.

Supported by The NARBHA Institute and the Health First Foundation, FSO is delighted to bring the Lullaby Project to The Guidance Center’s “Moms and Babies First” program and Flagstaff Unified School District’s Teenage Parent Program. In this version of the project, pregnant women, new mothers, and their families work with artists to write personal lullabies for their children. The lullabies are professionally arranged, recorded, and shared in a celebratory public performance featuring FSO musicians.

To learn how to get involved or support this meaningful program, email emma@flagstaffsymphony.org.