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Giving Tuesday is November 29th!

By November 15, 2022 No Comments

Giving Tuesday: Join the Movement

Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving back. On the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, you’ll have the chance to join people around the world and support a cause close to your heart. Click here to read more about Giving Tuesday.

This Giving Tuesday, help us give the gift of music education to 3500 or more children! With help to fund the cost of bus transportation to our annual interactive program: Link Up, students from all over Northern Arizona will have the chance to participate in this phenomenal educational experience.

Link Up is a music education program created by Carnegie Hall to unite the classroom with the concert hall, giving students in grades 3–5 the opportunity to explore music through a yearlong curriculum of classroom activities and a culminating concert in which students perform with the Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra.

In the classroom, students experience Carnegie-developed lessons that allow teachers the flexibility to adapt the curriculum according to their classrooms’ needs and goals. Link Up supports state standards and introduces instrumental music instruction with recorders. Area Music Educators provide the integral link to music learning in their classrooms throughout the year, using Link Up resources to guide instruction and prepare students for the interactive concert experience in early Spring.

This collaboration brings the wonder and excitement of a live symphony orchestra in a large concert hall into the lives of Flagstaff children. Prior to Link Up, fewer than 5% of our community’s children had experienced this opportunity. The orchestra and the children are united in song, dance and performance, becoming a part of the community of music makers.











“When the orchestra plays all together, it is the most amazing feeling. I can’t even explain it”

– Flagstaff student

YOU can personally give kids a chance to attend Link Up by helping cover the cost of bus transportation.

$20 = 30 kids attend the Link Up concert

$45 = 70 kids attend the Link Up concert

$60 = 90 kids attend the Link Up concert

$150 = 225 kids attend the Link Up concert

Join Giving Tuesday by donating today!